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Mpesa SDK for PHP

A Clean, Elegant, and Independent PHP SDK for interacting with Safaricom Daraja APIs. The SDK is purely object-oriented and easy to understand and use. It has no dependency and hence can be used in any PHP project: plain or framework-based.


Get it with Composer

composer require levizwannah/mpesa-sdk-php

And then start using it.

not using composer

Download the zip version of the code. Include the self-autoload.php file located in the downloaded src folder.


Setting Up

Firstly create an Mpesa object with the necessary configurations.

The consumer key, consumer secret, and business short code are always required.

If you are using a till number, then the till key is required, otherwise only the business short code is required.

Note: The business shortcode is the same as the Paybill number. For till numbers, it is different.


use LeviZwannah\MpesaSdk\Mpesa;

$config = [
  "key" => "consumer-key", // consumer key
  "secret" => "consumer-secret", // consumer secret
  "code" => "12345", // business short code
  "till" => "67891", // optional till number
  "passkey" => "xxxx", // optional passkey
  "initiator" => "levizwannah", // optional initiator name
  "credential" => "levi-cred++=="  // optional security credential

$mpesa = Mpesa::new()->configure($config);

Method chaining vs configure($configure)

Every key in the $config array is a setter method for the object. For example, the below code is equivalent to the one above.


use LeviZwannah\MpesaSdk\Mpesa;

$mpesa = Mpesa::new();

      ->till(67891) // optional
      ->passkey('stk-passkey') // optional
      ->initiator("levizwannah") // optional
      ->credential("levi-cred++=="); // optional

Every object for interacting with a specific API extends the parent Mpesa object. Therefore, the same rule applies to them. You can use a config array and the configure method or just use the individual setter methods.

Warning: Do not directly create an object from a child class, always use the mpesa object to get the child object as you will see later in the doc.


You can use the 'env' key in the $config array or the env("env") method to set the environment. The environment value can be live or sandbox. By default, the environment is "live". There is a Constant class to save you from writing the literal strings.

//...other code
use LeviZwannah\MpesaSdk\Helpers\Constant;

    'env' => Constant::SANDBOX, 
    // or
    'env' => Constant::LIVE, // default value

// or
$mpesa->env(Constant::LIVE); // default value

Remember: Every setter method used below can be used as a key in the $config array and set using the configure($config) method.

Phone Numbers

The SDK adds 254 to the phone number. The below formats are supported



The SDK throws an exception if a required data is missing during requests. For example, the initiator name and security credentials are required before making Reversal requests. If they are not found, an exception is thrown with a semantic message telling you what the problem is.

Handling Responses

The SDK provides a uniform way to check the immediate Mpesa responses. Use the below snippet when interacting with any API using the SDK.

//... request made

if($client->accepted()) {
    // ... mpesa accepted the request for processing
    // This means the ResponseCode == 0
    $response = $client->response();
else {
    // The response code is not == 0 or there is an error.
    $error = $client->error(); // get an error object
    echo "error: $error->code, $error->message";

// you can always get the latest response using
$response = $client->response(); // returns an object

$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;
$responseCode = $response->ResponseCode;
// ...

Note: The data in the response object is the same as it is in the Daraja Documentation. There is no additional formatting done.

Security in Handling Callbacks

The SDK has two static helper methods to help you when handling mpesa responses in your callbacks.

  1. verifyOrigin(): bool: returns a true if the callback response is from Mpesa and false otherwise.
  2. data($asArray = false): object|array: gets the callback data from mpesa and returns it as an object or array based on its argument.

use LeviZwannah\MpesaSdk\Mpesa;

$isFromMpesa = Mpesa::verifyOrigin();
$result = Mpesa::data();


Handling Callback Payloads

Note: Response represents what you get from Mpesa when you make a request. Result is the payload sent to your callback URLs.

Payload format

Please refer to the Daraja documentation at to see the expected payload. For forward compatibility, the SDK doesn’t alter the responses or payload from Mpesa.

The confusing part

In every Response, there will be unique keys. For example, the MerchantRequestID and CheckoutRequestID in the STK push response, and the OriginatorConversationID and ConversationID in the other APIs responses. These keys identify the transaction on Mpesa. Save these keys in your database or some storage alongside the pending transaction.

In the Result payload that will be sent to your callbacks, these keys will be present. Therefore, you can use them to update the corresponding transactions in your storage or database.

Mpesa Express (STK Push) API

Used for initiating STK Push requests.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:



$stk = $mpesa->stk();

// for till numbers
// ensure that the till number is set during setup
// or set it up using $stk->till(123455)

    ->buygoods() // for till numbers
    ->paybill() // for paybill numbers
    ->description('optional description') // optional

// check if the request was accepted by mpesa.
if(!$stk->accepted()) {
    $error = $stk->error();
    echo "error: $error->code, $error->message";
    // exit...

// accepted for processing
$response = $stk->response(); // returns an object

$merchantRequestId = $response->MerchantRequestID;
$checkoutRequestId = $response->checkoutRequestID;


Notice that the difference between using Till number and paybill number is the use of paybill() and buygoods() methods before calling the push() method. Also, ensure that till value is set when using Till numbers.

Mpesa Express STK Query

Use for querying the status of STK push requests. This is different from normal transaction status queries.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the code snippet below


$query = $mpesa->stk()->query();

      ->paybill() // for paybill number
      ->buygoods() // for till numbers

// check if it's not accepted
  $error = $query->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $query->response();
$resultCode = $response->ResultCode;
$merchantId = $response->MerchantRequestID;
// ...

Note: Use paybill() if you are querying an STK request made for a paybill number, otherwise use buygoods(). By default, it queries for STK requests made for paybill numbers.

C2B URLs Registration API

Enables you to register your C2B URLs. The SDK also provides an easy response method for your confirmation and validation scripts.

The validation url is not required unless you explicitly ask the Mpesa team to enable it for you.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


Look at the code snippet below.

// ...setup...
// c2b url registration
$urls = $mpesa->urls();

     ->validation('https://my.url/path/to/validation') // optional

if(!$urls->accepted()) {
  $error = $urls->error();
  echo "Error: $error->code - $error->message";
  // exit;

Callback helpers

When Mpesa sends a payload to your confirmation or validation URLs, you need to send a formatted confirmation or denial payload. You can use the SDKs static methods for that. See below.


use LeviZwannah\MpesaSdk\Mpesa;

# confirmation.url

// your code ...
Mpesa::confirm(); // echos the formatted response
// your code...
// send SMS ... etc


# validation.url

// your code ...
if(!true) {
else {

// your code ...

Note: You can only use Mpesa::deny() in the validation handler.

Reversal API

Enables you to make Reversals of Mpesa Transactions.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:

See the code snippet on how to use this SDK.

// ...setup...

$reversal = $mpesa->reversal();

        ->transId('1X1Y1ZNME') // transaction ID to reverse
        ->amount(100) // amount paid
        ->remarks('optional remarks') // optional
        ->occasion('optional occasion') // optional

if(!$reversal->accepted()) {
  $error = $reversal->error();
  echo "$error->code - $error->message";
  // exit;

// reversal initiated
$response = $reversal->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

In your callback scripts, please ensure to follow the recommendation in the security section of this doc.

Transaction Query API

The Transaction query API enables you to check the statuses of transactions made to or by your business shortcode.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the code snippet below on how to use this SDK.

// Transaction query
$query = $mpesa->query();

      ->remarks('optional remarks') // optional
      ->occasion('optional occasion') // optional

if(!$query->accepted()) {
  $error = $query->error();
  echo "$error->code - $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $query->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

Balance Query API

The balance Query API allows you to query the balance in a business account.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the code snippet


$balance = $mpesa->balance();

        ->remarks('optional remarks') // optional

  $error = $balance->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $balance->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;


The B2B API allows you to make payments to paybill or till numbers from your business short code.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


Look at the code snippet below

// ...setup...
$b2b = $mpesa->b2b();
    ->receiver('123456') // business you are paying to

# if receiver is a paybill number

# if receiver is a till number

# optional
$b2b->remarks('optional remarks')
    ->occasion('optional occasion')
    ->requester('0712345678'); // the customer on
                               // whose behalf the money is
                               // being paid.

# make payment

if(!$b2b->accepted()) {
  $error = $b2b->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $b2b->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

//... save to db, etc


The B2C API allows you to make payments to mobile numbers from your business short code.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the code snippet below:

$b2c = $mpesa->b2c();


# set payment purpose
$b2c->salary() // for salary payment
    ->promotion() // for promotion payment
    ->payment(); // for business payment

# optional

# pay

if(!$b2c->accepted()) {
  $error = $b2c->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $b2c->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

//... save to db, etc

Tax Remittance API

The Tax Remittance API allows you to make Tax payment to KRA


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the code snippet below

// ...setup...

$remit = $mpesa->remitTax();

      ->remarks('optional-remarks') // optional

if(!$remit->accepted()) {
  $error = $remit->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $remit->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

//... save to db, etc

Dynamic QR Code API

Enables you to generate QR codes for different transactions. Please see the Daraja documentation

` Use this API to generate a Dynamic QR which enables Safaricom M-PESA customers who have My Safaricom App or M-PESA app, to scan and capture till number and amount and then authorize to pay for goods and services at select LIPA NA M-PESA (LNM) merchant outlets.` – Daraja


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


See the snippet below

$qr = $mpesa->qr();

$qr->size(300) // QR Code size (300x300)
   ->merchantName('Business Name')
   ->reference('account-number') // transaction reference

# the receiver of the payment
# can be Till Number, Agent number, phone number
# paybill number, or business number
# Correspond to CPI in the Daraja doc

# sets the receiver type
# corresponds to TrxCode in the Daraja Doc
$qr->buygoods(); // receiver is a till number
$qr->paybill(); // receiver is a paybill number
$qr->sendMoney(); // receiver is a phone number
$qr->withdraw(); // receiver is an agent number
$qr->sendToBusiness(); // receiver is a business number

# generate code

if(!$qr->accepted()) {
  $error = $qr->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $qr->response();
$qrCode = $response->QRCode;
$requestId = $response->RequestID;

Business To Bulk API

This API enables you to load funds from a working account directly to a utility account for B2C payments.


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


// ...setup...
$btb = $mpesa->btb();
    ->receiver('123456') // short code of the receiver 

# if in the same organization use
    ->toSelf() // accepts an optional short code param for sub-organizations

# optional
$btb->remarks('optional remarks') // optional
    ->requester('0712345678'); // optional - the customer on
                               // whose behalf the transfer is
                               // being made.

# make the transfer

if(!$btb->accepted()) {
  $error = $btb->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $btb->response();
$originatorId = $response->OriginatorConversationID;
$conversationId = $response->ConversationID;

//... save to db, etc

Mpesa Ratiba (Subscription)

This API enables you to create Mpesa Standing Orders. Take it as a subscription API for Mpesa


Ensure these values were set as shown in the setup section:


// ...setup...
$subscription = $mpesa->subscription(); // same as $mpesa->ratiba();

    ->plan("Gold Plan") // Standing order Name (same as $sub->name('Gold Plan'))
    ->startDate(10, 10, 2024) // month, day, year
    ->endDate(10, 11, 2024) // month, day, year

# if your code is paybill number
$subscription->paybill() // if paybill number

# if using a till till number
    ->till(1234567); // if till number

# optional
$subscription->description('optional description');

# create subscription

if(!$subscription->accepted()) {
  $error = $subscription->error();
  echo "$error->code $error->message";
  // exit;

$response = $subscription->response();
$refId = $response->responseRefID;

//... save to db, etc

Quick Note

If you are confused on how to handle the results in the callback, please read the earlier sections of this README file.

Reporting Errors

Please open an issue in case there is a bug found.

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